About Us

Skopje, Macedonia

Vertical Solutions DOOEL Skopje is the first and only rope access company in the Republic of Macedonia with a primary function working on difficultly or non-accessible terrain, via quick access by ropes, thereby avoiding the use of massive and dangerous scaffolding that substracts from your time and budget. We offer a whole horizon of services and solutions, with experts in separate areas that are always at your disposal.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Video presentation of VERTICAL SOLUTIONS



-Placement and removal of advertising boards and panels on non-accessible terrain
-Drawing and painting advertisements on difficultly or non-accessibile terrain
-Illumination of advertising boards and panels


-Cleaning of difficultly glass
-Cleaning of burnt facades
-Cleaning of sheet-metal surfaces


-Illumination of difficultly accessible objects
-Placement and installment of antennas, transmitters, emitters and links
-Placement and installment of lighting rods and lighting protection equipment, electrical
installation, optical cables, etc.
-Placement and installment of monitoring and security equipment


-Repairs and placement of drainpipes
-Hydro-isoltion of facades and rooftops
-Repairs and installment of roof surfaces
-Placement of metal beams and pillars
-Painting of facades, factory chimneys, silos, pillars, metal constructions, etc.
-Repairs an replacement of damaged glass surfaces
-Repairs and replacement of sheet-metal surfaces
-Griding, polishing and replacement of marble surfaces on difficultly accessible object
-Constructive repairs of factory chimneys silos, hydro-systems, bridges,
building facades, etc.
-Cleaning and safety workings on landslips, landslides and rock-fall on roads and objects
undergoing construction
-Placement and installment of protection against birds
-Facade restoration


-Video recording with photographs for revision and inspection of facades,
silos, hydro-systems, factory chimneys, etc.
-Explorative workings on dangerous ground (high-altitudes or underground)
-Ice and snow cleaning and removal from rooftops and draining hydro-systems
-Mining of snow masses for the purpose of lowering avalanche risks (avalanche control)
-Safety and securing of employees (workers and craftsman) on objects of high risk
-Lifting and securing of large, movable objects on sites of high risk
-Help in accidents on difficultly or non-accessible terrain
-Placement and installment of air-conditioning systems


1. More than 20 years of experience
2. Certified in rope access working
3. 100% safety in working (employees and civilians)
4. Exclusive professional equipment
5. Lowest prices nationwide
6. Delayed payment
7. Emergency interventions team (intervention working will start from 30 min.
to 2 hours on the territory of Republic of Macedonia)
8. Top quality standards in working
9. Guarantee for completed job
10. Immediate access to every location, without the use of ladders and scaffolding